First Automation Program

First Automation Program

Let us kick start automating our first program.

Program: To open in chrome browser.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;
 namespace First_Program
            class Program
                     static void Main(string[] args)
                          //Creates an instance of chrome browser
                          IWebDriver chrome = new ChromeDriver();

                          //Opens in chrome browser

Now let us analyse the above program:

  • Importing Packages in Namespace Section
    • OpenQA.Selenium - Contains the WebDriver class needed to instantiate a new browser loaded with a specific driver
    •  OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome -  Contains the chromeDriver class needed to instantiate a chrome-specific driver onto the browser instantiated by the WebDriver class.
    • The following namespace are specific to browser:
      • using OpenQA.Selenium.Edge; //Used for Edge browser
      • using OpenQA.Selenium.IE; //Used for IE Browser
      • using OpenQA.Selenium.firefox; //Used for firefox browser
      • using OpenQA.Selenium.Opera; // Used for Opera browser
  • Main Program:
    • Iwebdriver is an interface through which user controls the browser.
       IWebDriver chrome = new ChromeDriver(); 
      //The above statement creates a new instance of google chrome browser.                  Syntax to create a new instance of various browser:-
      • IWebDriver IE = new InternetExplorerDriver();//For IE Explorer
      • IWebDriver fox = new FirefoxDriver();//For Morzilla firefox
      • IWebDriver edge = new EdgeDriver();//For Edge browser
    • chrome.Navigate().GoToUrl("Https://");
      The navigate method instructs the browser to navigate to another location.
    • GoToUrl(string) method loads a webpage in the current browser window.

We finally finished Automating our first program.

In the next Tutorial let us learn more about navigation command! 

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