Setup Selenium in Visual Studio

Setup Selenium in Visual Studio

Steps to configure Selenium webDriver in Visual Studio:

  • Step 1:  Download and Install Visual Studio into your system
  • Step 2:  Create a new folder named as "Selenium" in "c:\" drive
  • Step 3:  Download and extract chrome driver exe and IEDriverServer exe 
  • Step 4:  Copy these .exe files to newly created Selenium folder (c:\Selenium)
  • Step 5:  Open control panel and search "Path" in search bar.
  • Step 6:  Now click on "Edit the system variables" as shown below
  • Step 7:  In system Properties pop up window click on "Environment variables..." under advanced tab.
  • Step 8: Select path and click on edit as shown below

  • Step 9: In "Edit environment Variable" window  click on "New" and add "C:\Selenium" and finally click on "OK"

  • Step 10: Open Visual Studio and click on New Project
  • Step 11: Select Console Application and enter Name of your choice(In our example its "hello world") and click on "OK"

  • Step 12: In Visual Studio navigate to Tools>NuGet Package Manager>Manage NuGet Packages for solution and click on it.

  • Step 13:Search Selenium in the search bar and  later install and add the following packages to the current solution:-
    • Selenium.WebDriver
    • Selenium.Suppport
    • Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver
    • Selenium.WebDriver.IEDriver

Finally we have finished setting up selenium in Visual Studio!!!

In our next tutorial let us  automate our first program ! 

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